Day 2 in Kuala Lumpur! Was feeling damn tired the day before because of all the traveling and shopping but we decided that we should wake up before 9 so as not to waste our time since we are going back to SG in another few hours. Damn sad :(

First thing in the morning, take a photo of my "out-of-the-bed" look! Lol.

Hotel curtains are damn powerful, they can totally darken the room and make you feel like it's at night. But once you open, you realized it's already morning! O__O

Set self timer - Group shot of our out of the bed look! Damn chui.

Early in the morning start playing with the camera le, everything also must take! Look at Yah see and me trying to take a photo of nurul brushing her teeth -__-

Now we are all ready to head out for breakfast! Love my hair in this photo! ♥

Headed down to Toast box to Midvalley mall to have breakfast! (Remember last post we went to the supermarket to get "Breakfast"? Zzz) NEVER EAT AT ALL.

Half boiled egg + Chicken floss thick toast! *smack lips*

Realized the shops at the mall are not open until 11am. So we went back to the hotel to rest and bathe again. Pillow fight with nurul! Play until damn violent.

Our messy room. 3 messy beds and 1 big messy table. Opps

Took turns to bathe (in the bathtub again! Yay!) and packed our luggage. Decided to pack and leave it at the hotel concierge since we have to checkout room by 12.

Camwhore!!! Trying to take a photo with Nurul! Yah see wants to pop in -.-

Group shot! Love this shot a lot! "Borrow" light from the outside :D

All packed and ready to go! But abit can't bear to leave :(

First stop: Supermarket again -__-

This time we took a trolley instead of just a basket, this time our mission is "to buy snacks to eat on the coach" As you might have guess, in the end we brought everything back to Singapore AGAIN, never eat at all. WASTE $$$! WASTE $$$!

Requested: Bought some local m'sia snacks back for mummy and friends :D

Shopped around Midvalley Mega mall and had Secret recipe for lunch :D

Happy us with our food. Damn hungry cos we were busy shopping!

Nurul and Yah see had Chicken lasagna!

My Chicken cordon bleu! Chicken stuff with ham and cheese! My fav!!!!!!

After which, we collected our luggage, and took a cab to Pasarayak to take a coach back to Singapore! The taxi driver try to cheat/ convince us by asking if we want to go to nearby attractions to shop while he wait and then fetch us to the terminal. NO WAY man! Wait = the meter will be running! Then we have to pay him lor! >:(

SGD$25 and we get the PREMIUM coach! Got personal TV and massage chair leh!

But then, my TV cannot plug in ear piece! AHHH! (changed seat obviously!)

After a few hours and about 2 movies on board, the bus finally stopped for us to have dinner and toilet break. This is when i start spending away all the M'sia RMs!!!

Spend every single cent! (Ok lah, got RM2 left in the end.) Anyhow buy lots of local snacks and food to munch on the bus! I don't like to bring foreign currency home...

Spent my last RM10 to buy this box of mini donuts! (It cost only RM8 though)
Finally reached Singapore at around 9pm, thank god my dad came to fetch or else i dunno how to bring back home with so many bags!!! Take cab also damn ma fan!

Left my house on Day 1 with half my bag pack, and came back with these!

Showcasing to my "harvests" and "bargains" to my family one by one! :D

Ta-dah! These are the things i got from Malaysia in this short 2D1N trip!
That's all i have to blog about this trip. Special thanks to BFFs Yah see and Nurul for making this trip such a fun and enjoyable one! (I know you two are reading this! Must comment hor!) Hopefully we can plan another one in the future! Maybe some where further next time! Love you guys, i mean gals! Alright, that's all! Kthxbye.