By the time you read this post, we are left with only a few days to Christmas! How are you spending Christmas this year!!! I will be booking out most likely on 24th (Friday night!) and on 25th, i will most likely be celebrating Xmas indoors at Studio M hotel with a bunch of great friends! Looking forward! :D
My BFFs decided to meet up for a early Xmas dinner (which i will blog about it soon!) and the main highlight of the dinner would be the GIFT EXCHANGE! Honestly, it's really difficult to get Xmas present for 2 girls! I spent a whole afternoon searching, can't decide between a few items so i decided to get everything, then go to Daiso to get a box and put everything in, the end product is damn sincere can!
My BFFs decided to meet up for a early Xmas dinner (which i will blog about it soon!) and the main highlight of the dinner would be the GIFT EXCHANGE! Honestly, it's really difficult to get Xmas present for 2 girls! I spent a whole afternoon searching, can't decide between a few items so i decided to get everything, then go to Daiso to get a box and put everything in, the end product is damn sincere can!

The items that i bought! The transparent box and styrofoam balls from Daiso!

ALMOST DIED wrapping the inner of the box with wrapping paper. Spent like an hour?!

First up! Fill the base with the little styrofoam balls! (act one snow, MUAHAHA)

Nurul likes Eeyore, so i got Winnie the pooh for Yah see so that both box will be somewhat similar.

After putting in the soft toy, body shop items and snow globe, i added in things like candy cane and mini snicker bars and top it off with more "snow balls" to make it more christmas-ty!

BFF Yah see's! ❤

BFF Nurul's! ❤

Forgot to get a christmas card so i last minute-ly designed one and printed it out using my photo printer! TA-DAH! So cute right!!! Gosh, i'm so sweet that i amazed myself. MUAHAHA