I was looking through my Facebook and saw the photos that Joyce uploaded for her 21st birthday so i thought, since the photos are quite nice (mainly due to the flash that her bro bought for her! There's really a big difference!) I decided to blog about her birthday! Joyce, you should be honored hor! :D

The delicious chocolate cake that she bought from don't know where!

The food that she prepared for us! Simple yet filling! (

For her 21st Birthday, she did a photoshoot titled "Light and Dark" and she printed out the final photos and pasted it along the corridor! They are all quite nice! Here's a few of my favourites:

Shot #1: No, You can't see my face cos it's covered by my hair

Shot #2: It's so glaring but i have no umbrella so i have to use my hands.

Shot #3: Parallel Parking of my bike. I mean bicycle.

Mel: "So many photos stand before me, but i only have one photo and that photo means you can continue to be Yishun Next top model. So who is it?" Joyce, please step forward. AHAHAHHAHAHA

The theme for Joyce's 21st is "Model-licious" so we have to take a "model" shot according to a theme that was given to each of us. My theme was "Show some neck" #Fail -__- But i still like this shot! ♥

Group photos with the girls!

Group photos with the guys!

Camwhoring with Joyce's Olympus EP1! This photo quite nice hor! :D

SPAM coloured instaxs! Joyce got 5 packs in return as a present from Don, LOL

Her face abit unglam cos she was so happy so i decided to put a smiley face over it. But trust me, the expression is almost 90% like the smiley face! AHAHHAHAHAHA See that Hello kitty box she's holding? That's Me, Jing long and Jiaqi's gift to her! Limited edition Hello Kitty X mini speakers hor! Lalala~