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Contact lenses has always been part of my life ever since i put on my very first trial pair when i was about 16. I still remember i took about 30 mins trying again and again to put these 2 thin films into my eyes. Since then, i wore monthly contact lens and eventually moved on to dailies as i was simply not disciplined enough to religiously wash my contact lens properly at the end of each day, and i always forget to get new lens container and solution. Dailies are definitely much more expensive but the good thing about daily lens is that, you can just throw them away at the end of the day :)

Enough of my little contact lens journey story. Have you guys heard of the term "presbyopia"? Well, it's commonly known to us as "老花眼" (Lao hua yan) and it occurs to people at around 40 to 45 where they noticed that their vision is blurry when looking at objects up close. Do you have anyone around you that has presbyopia? CooperVision now has daily contact lenses that are catered for people who has presbyopia. With the Proclear 1 day multifocal lens, everything now becomes much clearer for them be it reading the little fonts on newspaper or reading emails from your mobile devices.

Not forgetting to mention (again) that they are daily lenses so at the end of the day, just throw the old pair away and put on a fresh new pair the very next day! The Proclear 1 day multifocal lens stays 96% hydrated throughout the day, even after 12 hours of wear so you can expect it to be comfortable and it helps to address eye dryness and itchiness! :)
You can read more on presbyopia here: http://coopervision.com.sg/eye-health-and-vision/what-is-presbyopia

If you are plagued with this condition or would like to introduce the CooperVision Proclear 1-day Multifocal Contact Lens to your family/ friends, why not sign up for the FREE 5 Day Trial over at this link: http://coopervision.com.sg/trial-lenses and the promotion ends on 8th April 2015. Some additional info that you need to know on this promo is that:
- For a small fee of $15, get an eye check by an eye care professional and get a FREE 5-day trial of CooperVision Proclear 1 day multifocal contact lenses.
- The $15 can be used to offset the purchase of a minimum of 2 boxes of PC1DMF @ $150.
- The promotion is available at the 8 stores listed in the dropdown box titled “Redemption Outlet” on the same webpage.
*Please note that the mandatory eye test is for presbyopia patients who wish to be fitted for the Proclear 1-day Multifocal Contact Lenses.