If you haven't read the 1st post, read it HERE! Oh ya, continued from the previous post, here are the photos I took with the many bloggers that night! (:

Above are BFF, Shawn. My partner for the night, Claire. Jessica aka Underage Girl! Congrats to Jayden from winning 5 thousands bucks for his Zombie-licious Pringles video! Click HERE to view the winning video, it's really amazing! (:

These girls have put in a lot of effort to make the awards a successful one!

Did you realise they are twins? I think i managed to differentiate them! (:

Congrats to Xiaxue for bagging 3 awards! Mainly Best blog design, Most influential blog and Region's best blog! KennySia won the Most Entertainment blog (:

"Just look at all the flashing lights and smile" :D
Because Claire and I was considered one of last few to arrive at the event, we did not the chance to take the official photo against the backdrop at the end of the red carpet. So after the event, we decided to take one before we go home and it was captured by one of the official photographer! (: Love this photo! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
By the way, I got a sad story to tell... The reason I took almost a week to come up with my award post is because... I have to wait for others to send me each and everyone of the photo. The reason is, my camera sucks. Sad right :( *Sob*
See this "I like it" widget below? All you have to do is to click it, and you just brought me one step closer to winning a brand new spanking Canon camera!
So here's your chance to help me win a Canon camera!
Thanks if you clicked it! ♥ If you haven't, what are you waiting for :(
"My favourite canon moment!"
"My favourite canon moment!"