
Before I go on sharing more info about this exciting contest, let me just share with you what's the prize! The winner of "The Longest Yarn" contest will get...

Yes! You did not read wrongly! The winner of this contest will get 10 phones from the Corby family! But of course, it's not that easy. Let me tell you more...

With a little Facebook® collaboration, Samsung has started a contest on FB and they are giving out their latest Corby phones! Basically this contest is about using the fun Facebook app, simply start a story, invite your friends to add theirs, and see how far your team effort can go. The best tale wins! (:
So, how do you go about joining this contest?
Step #1: Sign up HERE to be a Samsung Fun Club member!
Step #2: Go to "The Longest Yarn" official WEBSITE to sign in (:
Step #3: You will be redirected to the Facebook application, Become a FAN!

Sounds easy? I think the trick would be getting a bunch of active online friends to join the contest with you! Invite them to be part of the Longest yarn and everyone stands a chance to win the Corby phone! Here's some of the features of the Corby:

Step #1: Sign up HERE to be a Samsung Fun Club member!
Step #2: Go to "The Longest Yarn" official WEBSITE to sign in (:
Step #3: You will be redirected to the Facebook application, Become a FAN!

Step #4: Customize your Avatar!

Step #5: Begin your first story post.

Step #6: Invite your friends to continue your story!

Continue where your friends left off, and vice versa. Best tale wins! (:

Continue where your friends left off, and vice versa. Best tale wins! (:
Sounds easy? I think the trick would be getting a bunch of active online friends to join the contest with you! Invite them to be part of the Longest yarn and everyone stands a chance to win the Corby phone! Here's some of the features of the Corby:

The winner gets 10 of these phones leh! I have joined the contest! How bout this? You guys go continue my story "Around the world in 80 days" at this link: http://apps.facebook.com/thelongestyarn/threads/view/41, and if I win, I will give out the other 9 phones on my blog! Sound tempting right! Gogogo! (:

There are 2 types of Corby phones and they're catered to different people!

Are you those people who sent hundreds of smses like me? Typing on a touch screen may be too slow for us, so why not use a Qwerty keyboard? This Corby phone has a Qwerty keypad, and even a 3.5mm input for our own earpiece! (:

Want to look cool using a touchscreen phone? The Corby has a 2.8" touchscreen for you to touch all you want! Need to connect to Facebook, Twitter on the go? The social network service helps you to stay connected, and smart unlock is damn cool!

Each phone has it's own Pros and Cons, which one would you choose?
So what are you waiting for? Get your fingers moving, spin the best tale and stand to win 10 Samsung Corby phones HERE now! (: