It's finally the start of Day 2! Gonna keep things short, 2 posts/day which means i'm still left with... 5 posts! (Still sound quite alot though =/) Had a good night sleep after the nong nong day 1 which lasted from morning 6am to midnight 3am!

Buffet breakfast!!! Love their buffet breakfast! They have everything! My breakfast looks damn delicious right! I can have it for everyday and i won't get bored of it! :D

A group photo before we start Day 2!

The first half of Day 2 is a trip to the LG design lab center where a workshop is organised for us to learn more about LG and also to design a concept phone! (:

"Welcome to LG Design Lab Center"

It's considered Day 3 for the rest of the bloggers because we arrived a day later than them, but let's talk about that later. That's Mr. Chang moon addressing us!

That's my LG eve which i brought to Korea! Love it to the max!

Once again, we were divided into different groups to meet new people and share out ideas of a new concept phone, so no Beatrice and shawn for another 4 hours :(

That's me. Super chui. We were writing down what we want in our dream phone.
So while the other gadget bloggers were writing some weird technical "blah blah blah sound card", "xxx processor" and all those terms that i cannot understand, I was writing things like, "Scratch resistant touchscreen", "Sleek design", "Good camera", "Huge screen" -__- Oh wells. After all, I'm not really a gadget blogger!

4 hours later, we are back at the Conference Room, ready to present our ideas!

Everyone listening attentively at all the brilliant ideas, trying hard not to sleep =/
Before we left the place, Shawn and I sneak out to the side of the LG building to see all the snow, and of course, to take photo with the chio background! Shhh...

See all the snow! This photo would be perfect if those people aren't behind. FML

Now this looks sooooo much better! I'm been to korea! :D

Country photo before we leave the LG building! Singapore FTW! ♥
After we left the LG center, we were off to watch one of Korea's most well know performance! NANTA! Have you heard of it before?

It's a performance based in the kitchen, and they use their kitchen tools to create music. If you ever go korea, this is a show you must catch! It's sooooo amazing ♥

By the way, when Shawn and I sat down at the theatre, we got scolded because the seats were "VIP seats" and not for locals. Turns out we ARE the VIPs, they thought we are locals that got the wrong seat. Wthh. I look like Korean meh -__-
After the exciting show which everyone enjoyed, we were "transported" to Gogujang for our Farewell dinner. (Yes... Day 1 was our welcome dinner, then Day 2 is our farewell, abit... dots.) Nevertheless, dinner was the famous Korean BBQ! ♥
After the exciting show which everyone enjoyed, we were "transported" to Gogujang for our Farewell dinner. (Yes... Day 1 was our welcome dinner, then Day 2 is our farewell, abit... dots.) Nevertheless, dinner was the famous Korean BBQ! ♥

I know that in korea, there is definitely gonna be a time whereby i will be served beef for one of the meals, afterall BBQ beef is one of their signature food.
I don't eat beef btw BUT Wayne was like telling me i should try it because i won't get to eat it in Singapore. Even if i wanted, it would be at those expensive high end place that serve high quality beef. So after heading that, I decided to give it try! :D
I don't eat beef btw BUT Wayne was like telling me i should try it because i won't get to eat it in Singapore. Even if i wanted, it would be at those expensive high end place that serve high quality beef. So after heading that, I decided to give it try! :D

The raw beef was cooked right infront of our eyes. When i took the first bite, I was like, "Woah, it's nice!" and i continued eating and eating, pieces after pieces! :D

While having dinner, a video montage was played and we realised it's a compilation of all the videos took during the amazing race! The LG people are so efficient! ♥

Other food items was also served but everyone was mostly focused on the beef :D

Some seafood pizza and Kimchi soup.

"Yummmm seng!" (Mine's coke disguised in a wine cup =P)
Being the "Farewell night", LG Korea prepared farewell gifts for us too. Everyone was wondering what's in the paper bag, thus my expression:

I let my imagination go wild, and was thinking, "OMG, is it a LG netbook!"

Country photo! We are from Singapore! ♥ Btw, in the paper bag is a HUGE digital photo frame which everyone had difficulty bringing it back to Singapore. SO BIG.

After dinner, they brought us to Dongdaemun, which is famous for their night market and shopping! The things inside the shopping center are FREAKIN' expensive! Shawn bought a shirt, only to realised it's seriously overpriced.

Photo with the tour guide. Pure korean :D
While we were mingling outside the shopping center, i spotted this little store which sells korean snack! Exactly like those in Korea dramas:

HUGE variety of snacks to choose from. Priced at only 2000 won each! :D

It feels damn nice to have something hot in such a cold weather ♥

A group photo to end Day 2 in Korea :D
PRELUDE | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3| DAY 4