I started blogging in 2007. It was during my poly days when i felt really really bored in class so i randomly typed in "blogger.com" into my address bar and created this blog. All i wanted was a space for me to rant and post random photos that i took using my phone. Little did i expect to know this bunch of people from the blogosphere which was quite happening at that time! We met through blog events, contests and to them, i was the "Nuffnang's November featured blogger" until we got really close and became really really good friends, even until this very date! Amazing.
We would gossip about bloggers, join blog contests together, hang out and do all sorts of funny things and the most significant event of each year was actually the Picnic at Marina Barrage! It all started in 2010 when we randomly decided to hold a picnic at the Barrage! We had so much fun the first time (Read it here!) and we decided to have it again in 2011 (Read it here!) and since we already had it 2 years in a row, how can we not have one in 2012 right?!
We would gossip about bloggers, join blog contests together, hang out and do all sorts of funny things and the most significant event of each year was actually the Picnic at Marina Barrage! It all started in 2010 when we randomly decided to hold a picnic at the Barrage! We had so much fun the first time (Read it here!) and we decided to have it again in 2011 (Read it here!) and since we already had it 2 years in a row, how can we not have one in 2012 right?!

Oh my tian. See how much we have changed in terms of appearance! TROLOLOLOLOL at my orange hair in 2010! I remember i tried to DIY bleach it myself before i enlisted into NS! How old was Yingzi at that time? 17? Wait. Did Jing long change his hair parting?! Joyce is still as act cute as ever. Even in 2012, you shall see in the photos later, LOL

Here we have, recorded in this humble blog of mine - Picnic at Marina Barrage with the *cousins 2012!

Since it's a picnic, there MUST be food! Normally we would meet at Suntec's carrefour and grab some food and snacks before heading down to the Barrage but this year, we decided to do things differently! Everyone prepare something for everyone! This year, we had #1: Curry chicken and Beehoon prepared by Limei, Jing long and his mum! #2: Handmade Sushi by Yingzi and her BF! #3: Chocolate fondue by Jiaqi! #4: Fruits prepared by Joyce! #5: Drinks prepared by Weijie! #6: Finger food by Josh! #6: Well, I bought delicious cupcakes for everyone! What a spread!!!! ♥

Jing long brought his Danbo along so i thought why not take photos with it! ♥

Honestly speaking, Marina barrage is one of the best places in Singapore to have a picnic! The space is HUGE, there isn't much restrictions, the wind is cooling and you get to see so many kites flying in the air. The getting there and getting out of the place is abit inconvenient though. But still, it's FREE for all to enter the barrage! No need pay de leh, LOL

Was playing with the "make up" mode on my EX1 and took the above photos! This function automatically detect the faces and smoother the skin, like photoshop! But i think it's quite obvious the "make up" mode is being used right?

12 pretty cupcakes that i got from Twelve Cupcakes by Jamie Yeo and Daniel Ong! Went down to the outlet at Millennium Walk before meeting the rest at Marina Bay. I heard the Red velvet was not bad, but i chose the Vanilla Chocolate one instead. Their cupcakes are moist and nice, this dozen cost about 26 bucks! Everyone can has one!

Made everyone pose with their cupcakes to create the collage above ♥

Not forgetting to take group photos! It's amazing how our personal online blogs can bring us all together from the cyberspace to real life and becoming good friends! That's the power of social media nowadays, MUAHAHA

If you look at the photos closely, you would have realised we are having our picnic indoor instead at the huge grass patch outside! It's all because of the erratic weather! Suddenly rain, then shine, the rain again. So we decided to stay under shelter. We did played with kites and Frisbee though! Had a lot of fun catching up with one another :D
Last but not least, shall end this post with a Polaroid group photo! ♥
Last but not least, shall end this post with a Polaroid group photo! ♥

"*Cousins, shall we have another picnic at Marina Barrage next year?"