When the Color run first happened in Singapore last year, all i remembered was my social media feeds being flooded with photos of my friends covered in all sort of colors and i was amused at how "dirty" they are. Little did i expect myself to join the run this year (not that i intend to because the registration fee for such fun runs are always so expensive!) It was during the night before when Valerie tweeted to ask if anyone is interested in the color run as she has 2 slots for it. Since i do not have any concrete plan for the weekend, i decided to try my luck and tweet-reply her. Fast forward to the next day, i met her to collect the race pack and was on my way to Sentosa to join the color run :D
The night before after i got the confirmation from Val that i'm going for the run, i started searching videos of the previous run on youtube to "prep" myself and i realized it's gonna get really messy and dirty! I started thinking what to wear, what to pack, which bag to bring, which pair of shoes can afford to be stained etc. Before i head to Sentosa, i even head to Daiso to get zip lock bag to contain my iPhone so that i can bring it during the run to take pictures along the way. But don't say liao, in the end the zip lock bag got dirty and most the initial photos turned out blurred so i decided to risk my iPhone and took it out of the zip lock bag! All photos in this post taken using my trustworthy iPhone!
The night before after i got the confirmation from Val that i'm going for the run, i started searching videos of the previous run on youtube to "prep" myself and i realized it's gonna get really messy and dirty! I started thinking what to wear, what to pack, which bag to bring, which pair of shoes can afford to be stained etc. Before i head to Sentosa, i even head to Daiso to get zip lock bag to contain my iPhone so that i can bring it during the run to take pictures along the way. But don't say liao, in the end the zip lock bag got dirty and most the initial photos turned out blurred so i decided to risk my iPhone and took it out of the zip lock bag! All photos in this post taken using my trustworthy iPhone!

There were about 9000 runners that day (this is only for the 1st day!) and 15 mins before the flag off was the warm up session at the main stage by the fitness instructors. Everyone was super hyped for the run and there are those super enthusiastic ones who specially dress up for the run! There were people with colorful wigs, people wearing tutus (even guys!) and the one who caught my attention was this couple who wore a pair of matching unicorn costume! They started off white and clean but you can imagine how colorful they are when they reach the finishing line, literally rainbow unicorns! Because of the large amount of people, we were flagged off as different waves to cater spaces in between.

#selfie during the first kilometer! Still pretty clean with a few color stains on my tee :)

At the end of every kilometer there will be a color zone where volunteers will be there to "attack" you, making sure you leave the zone with colors all over! The whole 5 km took us about 40 mins because people tend to have a lot of fun at each stop, taking group photos, scooping up the excessive powder on the ground or taking powder from the volunteers to throw at their friends or strangers. This is probably the only time you get to throw colored powder at someone's face without them feeling offended, LOL What i noticed is the genuine smile on everyone's face throughout the 5 km run. Strangers smiling at each other, high five-ing each other along the way. It really reflects the hashtag - Happiest5K. By the way I have no idea why my face and arm still look so clean in the above photo at the finishing line. It's not the end!

When you reach the finishing point, every runner get to collect a packet of random colored powder and a drink. The powder is for the color party happening right in front of the stage! When most of the people are back and gathered at the main stage area, the emcee will do a countdown and everyone will just throw their powder in the air, can't wait to see the official edited video taken by the drone! It's also the color party where everyone get really messy and started throwing the remaining powder at each other. My hair literally became another color and my face, my arms, my legs all kena as well! Not complaining though because it's one of the rare times you get to be dirty and feel happy about it!! :D

I was trying to take a selfie amongst the crowd and suddenly this girl (left picture) photobomb-ed me from behind and said, "Sorry, i photobombed your photo! HAHAHA" I also bumped into Shine amidst all the crowd and "disguise"! Everyone was so crazy, dancing to the music and feeling so happy! Love how vibrant and colorful all the photos turned out! ♥♥♥


The leaving part is the most devastating because you will stop and wonder how you can go anywhere in that state. Then again, at the exit there are volunteers holding leaf blower that can help you blow off excessive powder on you, after which they will give out ponchos so that you won't stain the seats on public transport. Quite considerate i would say. After looking through all the photos i took (and liking almost every single #colourrunsg photos on Instagram recently), i'm already considering to pay and take part in next year's run if it's happening again! Till the next color run! Ciaos :D