Just a short post for my own record! It was my dad birthday few days back, 8th April! Supposed to be celebrating it at Fish and Co. after hearing i marvel how great their fish and chips are, but in the end, we went to Bugis Swensens instead -__-

Quite bored of Swensens actually, it's like every single year my mum's birthday, Dad's birthday and Sis's birthday, my family will be celebrating it in Swensens. Zzzz

Mummy and Daddy! (My mum actually asked me to delete this photo =/)

My sis and me! :D

Our food! My dad had steak, Mum had Fish and chips (which came after we finished our food. Super slow -__-) I had BBQ chicken and my sis had Chicken cutlet! :D

Complimentary Firehouse special ice cream! Weeeee~
P/s: I don't think my dad reads my blog though. But i heard from him that one of his colleague's son reads my blog. So hello whoever you are, if you are reading this, tell your daddy to tell my daddy i blogged about him hor! Thanks!