Had a sudden "feel" to go ice skating so i twittered about it during midnight and Joyce @replied me asking me to plan an ice skating outing, the thing i did was to sms to see who was interested and guess what? The following day, Me, Ying zi, Jiaqi, Joyce and Jing long were meeting up for ice skating!

Super happy us! Jing long not in the photo because he took this photo! :D

Damn pai seh because the little kids there were SOOOOOOOO much better than us. We are totally noobs at ice skating lor, most of us had to hold the railing and refuse to let go for the first 30 mins!

We were partnering, trying to guide each other with holding the railings ♥

Not forgetting to pose for the camera!

Decided to all hold hands and skate together, but there's a risk of...

SOMEONE FALLING DOWN! Causing the rest to unbalance too! LOL

Fell down at the very end. Had a bad fall and scratched my elbow. The scar is still there lor :(

Had a super fun time with everyone! Can't forget the fun we had together!!! If you have nowhere to go in Singapore and would like to tryout something fun, why not head down to Kallang leisure park to ice skate!!!! Not really expensive also, i think it's around 18 bucks per person for 2 hours? Ok what ;)