Sunday, March 15, 2015

Wanderlust: 4D3N Phuket Travelogue - Day 2

I'm finally starting on my Phuket travelogue (again!) The trip happened last December and i only managed to do up the first day post in Jan (Read the post HERE if you haven't) As i mentioned previously, this purpose of this trip is to relax and enjoy so we did not have an itinerary to follow. As for day 2, we wanted to head out to the sea and find a nice beach to relax. Most importantly, we didn't want those regular island hopping tour which require us to travel here and there. When we walked around, one of the local at the booth recommended us to go to "Raya island" and the package includes a short snorkeling session and dropping off at Raya Island for the rest of the day before heading back to mainland in the evening. Sounds not bad and the photos of the place seem pretty nice so we booked a package for 3 :)
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Buffet breakfast at the hotel before the tour van came to pick us up. One thing that i really look forward when staying at hotels would be the buffet breakfast. I would totally wake up for it even if i have to have breakfast alone. LOLOLOL
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Totally dressed for the beach. Finally got the chance to use my pineapple bag again, HAHA
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Took the speedboat out for about an hour before we reach our snorkeling destination. I always liked the feeling of snorkeling, it's like a peaceful feeling when you watch the fishes swim by as you float along. But obviously you must first learn how to breathe with your mouth through the equipment, then you will learn to enjoy. It's not that difficult actually but i have seen people struggling with it. Less the salt water part, everything else about snorkeling is really enjoyable.
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Happy us all ready to enter the water! :D
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It's a good thing Jinglong bought his Go-Pro camera before this trip so we can have underwater shots too! Really handy for trips like these, especially when it involve water risks. Sometimes when you see people using go Pro camera, it makes you wanna get one for yourself too but half the time you realized you actually don't really need it. HAHAHHA
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The awesome view that was promised on the brochure.

I would highly recommend Raya island to those who just want to relax and spend the day at the beach. It's not overcrowded like the other famous beaches, the water is just as clear and the speed boats are all parked out in the sea.
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The speed boat will drop the passengers somewhere at start of this floating bridge and everyone will just alight and walk towards the beach, Our package also include a simple buffet lunch before getting the rest of the day to ourselves.
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I think we had about 4 hours to ourselves after lunch so for the last hour, we sat down at this little eatery, ordered some food and fruit smoothies while we enjoy this awesome view right in front of us. I can get used to all these totally. LOL

Reached back mainland in the event (at least 2 shades darker because the weather was so hot!) The mini van sent us back to our resort. Washed up and rest before heading out for our dinner. Wanted to try the famous No. 6 restaurant but the queue was simply too long (and this trip is so not about spending time queuing, lol) so we decided to have our dinner at this Dang restaurant right beside No. 6. It was pretty packed but the waiting time is definitely much shorter.
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As you can see, we ordered quite a lot for 3 people, LOL I guess we couldn't decide and wanted to try a bit of everything. The food was not bad and affordable but we still wondered how good the famous No. 6 restaurant can be.
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After dinner we headed over to the famous nightlife area - Bangla Street. It's not my first time here so i started warning Jiaqi and Jing long about the things they might encounter while walking through the street, HAHA Like people coming up to them asking if they are interested in Ping Pong show or to take a photo with them (then demanding tips from you) Should be quite an eye opener for both of them, LOL Along the street are all the bars and clubs, there are also sleazy dressed pole dancers to entice people to go in. Once awhile if you are "lucky", they might even reveal themselves. LOL
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If you ever go to Phuket, Bangla street is definitely one of the must visit. Must experience, HAHA
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Spent the rest of the night shopping along the roads, really a lot of things to see and buy leh. It ranges from electronics to apparels and handmade items. Can put your bargaining skills to work too, Did we go for massage that night? Can't remember, HAHA It also started raining that night so we bought ponchos from 7 eleven so that we can walk back to our resort. I remembered the last time we did exactly the same thing at Krabi the year before! That's all for Day 2! :D

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4